// Create the chart Highcharts.chart('column-drlldown', { chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Total number of innovations across interactions and use-cases' }, subtitle: { text: 'Click the columns to view data.' }, accessibility: { announceNewData: { enabled: true } }, xAxis: { type: 'category' }, yAxis: { title: { text: '# of innovations' } }, colors: [ '#6fa8dc', '#c27ba0', '#c27ba0', '#6fa8dc', '#c27ba0', '#c27ba0', '#f6b26a', '#f6b26a', '#c27ba0', ], legend: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{point.y}' } } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '{series.name}
', pointFormat: '{point.name}: {point.y}
' }, //#6fa8dc -blue series: [ { name: "Innovations", colorByPoint: true, data: [ { name: "Self Learning", y: 102, drilldown: "Self Learning" }, { name: "Lesson Delivery", y: 65, drilldown: "Lesson Delivery" }, { name: "Lesson Preparation", y: 41, drilldown: "Lesson Preparation" }, { name: "Doubt Resolution", y: 33, drilldown: "Doubt Resolution" }, { name: "Teacher Professional Development", y: 23, drilldown: "Teacher Professional Development" }, { name: "Assessments", y: 20, drilldown: "Assessments" }, { name: "Parent-Teacher Communication", y: 18, drilldown: "Parent-Teacher Communication" }, { name: "Parent Participation", y: 16, drilldown: "Parent Participation" }, { name: "Homework", y: 10, drilldown: "Homework" } ] } ], drilldown: { series: [ { name: "Self Learning", id: "Self Learning", data: [ [ "SL-A: Pre-set content", 4 ], [ "SL-B: Interactive content", 54 ], [ "SL-C: Personalized content", 44 ], ] }, { name: "Lesson Delivery", id: "Lesson Delivery", data: [ [ "LD-A: One-way lesson delivery", 39 ], [ "LD-B: Interactive lesson delivery", 12 ], [ "LD-C: Personalized lesson delivery", 14 ], ] }, { name: "Lesson Preparation", id: "Lesson Preparation", data: [ [ "LP-A: Text-based lesson plans ", 3 ], [ "LP-B: Multimedia-based lesson plans", 33 ], [ "LP-C: Personalized lesson plans ", 5 ], ] }, { name: "Doubt Resolution", id: "Doubt Resolution", data: [ [ "DR-A: Person-dependent", 11 ], [ "DR-B: Community-dependent", 7 ], [ "DR-C: Independent", 14 ], ] }, { name: "Teacher Professional Development", id: "Teacher Professional Development", data: [ [ "TPD-A: Focus for teacher professional development", 13 ], [ "TPD-B: Delivery of teacher professional development", 10 ], ] }, { name: "Assessments", id: "Assessments", data: [ [ "AS-A:Text-based assessments", 3 ], [ "AS-B: Multimedia-based assessments", 17 ], ] }, { name: "Parent-Teacher Communication", id: "Parent-Teacher Communication", data: [ [ "PTC-A: One-way information sharing ", 1 ], [ "PTC-B: Two-way information exchange", 17 ], ] }, { name: "Parent Participation", id: "Parent Participation", data: [ [ "PP-A: Content broadcast", 2 ], [ "PP-B: One-way content sharing", 3 ], [ "PP-C: Two-way communication to facilitate engagement with content", 3 ], [ "PP-D: Homeschooling platforms for parent to engage with child's learning", 5 ], [ "PP-E: Content to build parents' capacity to drive child's learning", 3 ], ] }, { name: "Homework", id: "Homework", data: [ [ "HW-A: Dissemination of homework", 2 ], [ "HW-B: Compliance for homework", 4 ], [ "HW-C: Creation of homework ", 1 ], [ "HW-D: Holistic homework platforms", 4 ], ] }, ] } }); //bar graph q2 Highcharts.chart('bar-interactions', { chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Total number of innovations across interactions over time ' }, xAxis: { categories: [ 'Assessments', 'Doubt Resolution', 'Homework', 'Lesson Delivery', 'Lesson Preperation', 'Parent Participation', 'Parent-Teacher Com...', 'Self Learning', 'Teacher Perfessional...', ], crosshair: true }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '# of innovations' } }, colors: [ '#351c75', '#8e7cc3', '#d9d2e9', ], tooltip: { headerFormat: '{point.key}', pointFormat: '' + '', footerFormat: '
{series.name}: {point.y}
', shared: true, useHTML: true }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0 } }, series: [{ name: 'Pre-2000', data: [0,1,1,11,2,2,0,7,6] }, { name: '2000-2010', data: [6,7,2,11,10,1,1,16,2] }, { name: '2010-2020', data: [14,24,8,42,29,13,17,78,16] }] }); //column shadow var dataPrev = { 2020: [ ['Assessments', 98.9], ['Doubt Resolution', 163.7], ['Homework', 7.4], ['Lesson Delivery', 437.3], ['Lesson Preparation', 47.4], ['Parent Participation', 0], ['Parent-Teacher Communication', 137.5], ['Self Learning', 12.4], ['Teacher Professional Development', 12.3] ], 2010: [ ['Assessments', 0], ['Doubt Resolution', 78], ['Homework', 7.7], ['Lesson Delivery', 342.1], ['Lesson Preparation', 0], ['Parent Participation', 20], ['Parent-Teacher Communication', 0], ['Self Learning', 136.7], ['Teacher Professional Development', 0] ], 2000: [ ['Assessments', 0], ['Doubt Resolution', 0], ['Homework', 0], ['Lesson Delivery', 0], ['Lesson Preparation', 0], ['Parent Participation', 0], ['Parent-Teacher Communication', 0], ['Self Learning', 0], ['Teacher Professional Development', 0] ], }; var data = { 2020: [ ['Assessments', 317.2], ['Doubt Resolution', 100.8], ['Homework', 181.2], ['Lesson Delivery', 169.6], ['Lesson Preparation', 36.8], ['Parent Participation', 11.18], ['Parent-Teacher Communication', 25.5], ['Self Learning', 78.7], ['Teacher Professional Development', 1.2] ], 2010: [ ['Assessments', 99], ['Doubt Resolution', 163.7], ['Homework', 7.4], ['Lesson Delivery', 437.3], ['Lesson Preparation', 47.4], ['Parent Participation', 0], ['Parent-Teacher Communication', 137.5], ['Self Learning', 12.4], ['Teacher Professional Development', 12.3] ], 2000: [ ['Assessments', 0], ['Doubt Resolution', 78], ['Homework', 7.7], ['Lesson Delivery', 342.1], ['Lesson Preparation', 0], ['Parent Participation', 20], ['Parent-Teacher Communication', 0], ['Self Learning', 136.7], ['Teacher Professional Development', 0] ], }; var countries = [{ name: 'Assessments', color: '#c27ba0' }, { name: 'Doubt Resolution', color: '#6fa8dc' }, { name: 'Homework', color: '#c27ba0' }, { name: 'Lesson Delivery', color: '#c27ba0' }, { name: 'Lesson Preparation', color: '#c27ba0' }, { name: 'Parent Participation', color: '#f6b26a' }, { name: 'Parent-Teacher Communication', color: '#f6b26a' }, { name: 'Self Learning', color: '#6fa8dc' }, { name: 'Teacher Professional Development', color: '#c27ba0' } ]; function getData(data) { return data.map(function (country, i) { return { name: country[0], y: country[1], color: countries[i].color }; }); } var chart = Highcharts.chart('column-shadow', { chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Average funding per product over time ($M)' }, subtitle: { text: 'Comparing to results from 2010' }, plotOptions: { series: { grouping: false, borderWidth: 0 } }, colors: [ '#6fa8dc', '#c27ba0', '#c27ba0', '#6fa8dc', '#c27ba0', '#c27ba0', '#f6b26a', '#f6b26a', '#c27ba0', ], legend: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { shared: true, headerFormat: '{point.point.name}
', pointFormat: '\u25CF {series.name}: {point.y} ($M)
' }, xAxis: { type: 'category', }, yAxis: [{ title: { text: 'Average funding per product ($M)' }, showFirstLabel: false }], series: [{ color: 'rgb(158, 159, 163)', pointPlacement: -0.2, linkedTo: 'main', data: dataPrev[2020].slice(), name: '2010' }, { name: '2020', id: 'main', dataSorting: { enabled: true, matchByName: true }, dataLabels: [{ enabled: true, inside: true, style: { fontSize: '16px' } }], data: getData(data[2020]).slice() }], exporting: { allowHTML: true } }); var years = [2020, 2010, 2000]; var activeButton = document.getElementById(2020); activeButton.className = 'active'; years.forEach(function (year) { var btn = document.getElementById(year); btn.addEventListener('click', function () { document.querySelectorAll('.buttons button.active').forEach(function (active) { active.className = ''; }); btn.className = 'active'; chart.update({ title: { text: 'Average funding per product over time ($M)' }, subtitle: { text: 'Comparing to results from ' + (year - 10) }, series: [{ name: year - 10, data: dataPrev[year].slice() }, { name: year, data: getData(data[year]).slice() }] }, true, false, { duration: 800 }); }); }); // q3 Highcharts.chart('column-drlldown-q3', { chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Number of innovations by device used' }, subtitle: { text: 'Click on cloumn to see distribution per use case' }, accessibility: { announceNewData: { enabled: true } }, xAxis: { type: 'category' }, yAxis: { title: { text: '# of innovations' } }, colors: [ '#6fa8dc', ], legend: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{point.y}' } } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '{series.name}
', pointFormat: '{point.name}: {point.y}
' }, //#6fa8dc -blue series: [ { name: "Innovations", colorByPoint: true, data: [ { name: "TV", y: 6, drilldown: "TV" }, { name: "Radio", y: 4, drilldown: "Radio" }, { name: "Feature Phone", y: 27, drilldown: "Feature Phone" }, { name: "Internet-enabled device", y: 319, drilldown: "Internet-enabled device" }, ] } ], drilldown: { series: [ { name: "TV", id: "TV", data: [ [ "Assessments", 0 ], [ "Doubt Resolution", 0 ], [ "Homework", 0 ], [ "Lesson Delivery", 2 ], [ "Lesson Preparation", 0 ], [ "Parent Participation", 0 ], [ "Parent-Teacher Communication", 1 ], [ "Self Learning", 2 ], [ "Teacher Professional Development", 1 ], ] }, { name: "Radio", id: "Radio", data: [ [ "Assessments", 0 ], [ "Doubt Resolution", 0 ], [ "Homework", 0 ], [ "Lesson Delivery", 2 ], [ "Lesson Preparation", 0 ], [ "Parent Participation", 1 ], [ "Parent-Teacher Communication", 0 ], [ "Self Learning", 1 ], [ "Teacher Professional Development", 0 ], ] }, { name: "Feature Phone", id: "Feature Phone", data: [ [ "Assessments", 0 ], [ "Doubt Resolution", 1 ], [ "Homework", 0 ], [ "Lesson Delivery", 5 ], [ "Lesson Preparation", 0 ], [ "Parent Participation", 4 ], [ "Parent-Teacher Communication", 1 ], [ "Self Learning", 4 ], [ "Teacher Professional Development", 0 ], ] }, { name: "Internet-enabled device", id: "Internet-enabled device", data: [ [ "Assessments", 20 ], [ "Doubt Resolution", 33 ], [ "Homework", 10 ], [ "Lesson Delivery", 62 ], [ "Lesson Preparation", 41 ], [ "Parent Participation", 13 ], [ "Parent-Teacher Communication", 18 ], [ "Self Learning", 100 ], [ "Teacher Professional Development", 23 ], ] }, ] } }); //q4 Highcharts.chart('radial', { colors: ['#FFD700', '#C0C0C0', '#CD7F32','#6fa8dc'], chart: { type: 'column', inverted: true, polar: true }, title: { text: 'Number of studies available across interactions' }, tooltip: { outside: true }, pane: { size: '85%', innerSize: '20%', endAngle: 270 }, xAxis: { tickInterval: 1, labels: { align: 'right', useHTML: true, allowOverlap: true, step: 1, y: 3, style: { fontSize: '12px' } }, lineWidth: 0, categories: [ "Self Learning", "Doubt Resolution", "Lesson Delivery", "Lesson Preparation", "Teacher Professional Development", "Parent-Teacher Communication", "Assessments", "Parent Participation", "Homework" ] }, yAxis: { crosshair: { enabled: true, color: '#333' }, lineWidth: 0, tickInterval: 25, reversedStacks: false, endOnTick: true, showLastLabel: true }, plotOptions: { column: { stacking: 'normal', borderWidth: 0, pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, series: [{ name: 'Rigorous external evidence/RCT', data: [12,0,10,5,1,2,1,2,0] }, { name: 'External evaluation', data: [4,0,7,1,2,0,1,0,0] }, { name: 'Internal evaluation', data: [15,0,16,7,3,1,5,3,4] }, { name: 'No evidence', data: [71,32,31,28,17,15,13,11,6] }] });